Rock Solid Fitness Strives to be an affordable alternative to personal training. For all ages & fitness levels, fun & packed
with tons of variety.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Strategies for Fighting the Holiday Buldge (Part 2)

Now that party season is in full swing, this is not the time to loose control. Here are a few additional strategies for minimizing that stubborn holiday weight gain.

1) Get 80% of the pleasure for 20% of the Calories
The first bite always tastes best. Scientist say that the more we eat of a certain food the less pleasure we derive from eating it. So instead of depriving yourself altogether, enjoy just a bite or two of your favourite dessert.

2) Beware of Liquid Calories
Use caution and moderation when indulging in alcoholic and other sugary. The calories add up quickly, with most containing anywhere from a 100 to 250 calories per beverage. Alcohol, in particular, tends to also make us feel carefree, leading us to indulge in other delicacies more than we should. So the best strategy is to drink at least 2 glasses of water for every alcoholic or sugary beverage you consume. That way you can spend more of your calorie budget on those delicious holiday treats.

3) Bring a Healthy Option
It's a potluck and you need to bring something. Go for the fruit plate or veggie tray and load-up. Green veggies and most fruits have a high water content and are rich in fibre, making you feel fuller longer.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Strategies for Fighting the Holiday Bulge (Part 1)

Most people gain at least a few pounds leadingup to Christmas and New Years. The bad news is weight gained over the holidays usually isn't lost during the rest of the year. The cause of course is too much food and too little exercise. Over the next few weeks I'm going to share with you a few strategies that will help you enjoy the holidays and not have any regrets come January 1.

1) Eat before you party
Do you really think you will be able to resist your favourite delicacies when you're starving?Having a protein shake or maybe some low-fat yogurt and berries before heading out to a big holiday dinner or party should help you fight your temptation to binge.

2) Ramp up your Cardio
With all the parties, decorating, shopping and other festivities, this is when people typically cut back on their workouts. Make it a priority not to let this slide. You'll burn max calories by increasing your cardio workouts during this time; and it's especially effective to go for a hard workout right before a holiday meal. For the next few hours your metabolism is on fire and is much more effective at burning off high-calorie, high-fat food, which will otherwise lead to unwanted pounds.

3) Last will Come First
When it comes to eating, SLOW DOWN. Pretend you're in a race where being the last to finish is the target. It takes 20 minutes for our brains to tell us we're full, so the slower you eat the less calories you will likely consume.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Developing a Workout Plan that's Right for You...

It all comes down to your fitness goals. Are you looking for increased strength, reducing body fat or maintaining your current fitness levels? Here are a few things for you to consider when developing your weekly regime.

How often should you workout & for how long?
The minimum prescription for aerobic exercise is 30 to 60-minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. Those that are trying to reduce body fat, should be on the higher end of these ranges. To tone and build muscle mass, strength training should typically be performed 2 to 3 nonconsecutive days per week with each session lasting 30 to 45-minutes. If your goal is increased strength, at least 1 or 2 of your strength training workouts needs to include medium to heavy weights with a combination of medium (12-15) and low (8-11) repetitions. Your last repetition should be difficult with good form or you need to up the weight. Experts are saying that adding in 2 or more weekly circuit training workouts (that combine high repetition strength training and cardiovascular fitness with minimal breaks) can dramatically improve your overall fitness levels. These workouts are amazing for blasting fat & calories, improving cardiovascular fitness and building lean body mass.

What about my body type?
Another important factor to consider is your body type. In the 1940's Dr. William Sheldon divided people into one of three categories. Mesomorph's build muscle easily and do not have to work hard to keep fat off. Ectomorphs fight for every ounce of muscle they gain. They tend to be flat chested and have a delicate build. While, Endomorphs have no trouble building muscle but tend to fight hard to lose body fat. They are more at risk for heart disease, diabetes and being over weight. Considering your specific makeup, here's a quick guideline:

Mesomorph: 3-4 cardio sessions a week (30-45 minutes each), 2-4 strength workouts per week (45-60 minutes each) - vary workouts with light, medium and heavy weights
Ectomorph: 2-3 cardio sessions a week (20-30 minutes each), 2-4 (30 minute strength workouts each week) - use medium to heavy weights
Endomorph: 4-5 cardio sessions a week (30-60 minutes each), 3-4 strength workouts per week (30-45 minutes each) - use light to medium weights

Please let me know if you have questions or need help with setting up a workout regime that's right for you. It's also important you consult with your physician before staring any new exercise program.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Green Tea: One of the World's Healthiest Beverages

The Chinese have known about the health benefits of green tea for hundreds of year. They've used it for centuries to treat everything from headaches to depression. More and more studies both in Asia and the west are confirming that green tea provides some very important health benefits.

The secret ingredient in green tea is a powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechingallate (EGCG), which is known to inhibit growth of cancer cells and kill cancer cells without hurting healthy tissue. It is also known to lower cholesterol levels which can lead to heart attack and stroke. There is also more and more research showing that green tea can help dieters. It seems to help increase your bodies metabolic rate, inhibit the absorption of fat and can act as a natural appetite suppressant. It has been shown to be an effective means of preventing blood clots, dental decay as well as inflammation in the body (like arthritis). It can also help strengthen your immune system.

With all these benefits, it's a great idea to drink green tea regularly. Just be careful how much you drink, especially close to bedtime. It contains caffeine - about 1/3 to 1/2 of what you'd find in a regular cup of coffee. I also just discovered that drinking any variety of tea (including green tea) can inhibit your ability to uptake iron. So if you know you're on the low side, avoid this tasty beverage around meal time.

Are you Getting your Vitamin ZZZ's?

Rest is a vital component of any exercise program. You should take a minimum of 1-rest day every week; and most people also need a 1-week break every 6-weeks. It's important to listen to your body, as over training can dramatically slow down your results and result in injury. Once the muscles have been stressed they take up to 48-hours to fully recover. It is not recommended to train the same body parts on consecutive days. It's also vital to sleep eight to nine hours every night so the body can recover fully.

Not only is sleep an important part of staying fit, it is also vital for good health. Lack of sleep over the long-term can have disasterous impacts on your weight loss efforts, ability to concentrate and can lead to mood swings, irritability and even depression.

Here are some tips for promoting a good night's sleep:
  • Go to bed early, ensuring you get at least 8-hours of shut-eye each night.
  • Take time to unwind and relax before hitting the sack. A warm bath and herbal teas (like chamomile) have been found to promote relaxation and help you fall asleep.
  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine later in the day. These stimulants can raise your blood pressure and give you extra energy.
  • If you're a craving an afternoon nap, go for it, but limit yourself to 20-minutes or you may make falling asleep at night problematic.
  • Try to avoid snacking at least 2-hours before bed. As your metabolism starts working to digest food, your energy levels will rise. If you need to eat close to bedtime, keep it small and avoid high-fat foods. Warm milk, a low fat yogurt or even a small bowl of cereal are good options.
  • If sleeplessness is common for you, please consult with your physician. You could be suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or insomnia, which can be dangerous for your health. The sooner you get professional help the better!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Hard do I Need to Workout to get Results?

There is truth to the old saying "no pain no gain". Not only do you need to change up your workout regime regularly by adding new exercises and activities, to see noticeable results, you also need to tax your muscles and your heart beyond what they are used to. The principle of overload states that you need to put greater load on the body for change to take place. Our bodies will adapt and then a different stimulus is required for change to continue. This means gradually adding more weight to your strength routines is vital for progression, as is increasing the intensity and duration of your cardiovascular workouts.

For those gals in my boot camp, your fitness level gains last session were impressive. To keep the momentum rolling through the holiday season, it's time to up the anti. Here's our winter challenge - I'll keep introducing new exercises with greater intensity, giving our bodies the shock they need for continuous improvement. What I need you to do is bump up your loads. If you're used to 5 pounders, go for 8's this session. If you've been using 8's bump it to 10's. Our goal is to do enough repetitions where the last few reps are significantly difficult (with good form of course).