Rock Solid Fitness Strives to be an affordable alternative to personal training. For all ages & fitness levels, fun & packed
with tons of variety.

This blog has been developed as a value-added service to Rock Solid supporters. Its primary purpose is to provide
regular updates and training tips to support you in your journey to good health and fitness.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear from you.

Contact me at:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Boot Camp!

Thanks to everyone that joined me for Summer Boot Camp. Today was our last class. It was a blast! Looking forward to seeing you in the fall.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Secret to a Flat Belly

The truth is doing a million crunches won't get you the slender waistline you're looking for. So many people think there is a link between abdominal exercises and fat reduction around the midline. This simply isn't the case. "Spot reducing" belly fat is a huge myth. A 5km power walk and eating right will do more for your waistline then 100 sit-ups, simply because you are burning more calories and ultimately fat. That being said incorporating some core and abdominal exercises into your routine is good for you. You'll be less prone to injury; you'll see improvements in your posture, back strength, as well as the tone and look of your abdominal muscles.

The bottom-line is we all have washboard stomachs! They may just be covered by a layer of fat that will only go away with eating properly and increasing your cardiovascular activity.

5 Tips for the Best Ab Workout

1) Just like every other muscle group, remember to rest between sessions. You need at least 48-hours between ab workouts for recovery.

2) For maximum results, do each rep with control and avoid using momentum.

3) Don't hold your breath.

4) Mix up your ab routine on a regular basis to challenge your body and avoid boredom.

5) Incorporate Bicycle crunches into your workout. Experts regularly point to this as one of the most effective ab exercises around. It targets your obliques, rectus abdominals, transverse abdominals and hip flexors all in one move.

I'd love to hear from you! Please post a comment and tell me your fave ab exercise.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Register Now for Fall 2010 Classes

Fall is right around the corner and many people have been asking me what classes will be available. A flyer has just been posted on my blog site with all the details. Classes in Riverbend will be on Mondays & Thursdays at the Devonshire Care Centre (1808 Rabbit Hill Road) starting on September 13, 2010. On October 6, 2010, classes will commence at the Edmonton Country Club on the West End.

Space is limited so register quickly! Please contact me via phone or e-mail with your questions or to register.


Looking forward to seeing everyone this fall!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

8 Critical Steps to Find the Shoe that Fits

All athletic shoes are not created equal! It's important to find a high-quality shoe that works best with your individual activity patterns and foot type. Selecting the wrong style can lead to pain and injury in your knees, hips, back and joints. The selections out there can be intimidating, so it's important to have an idea of what you're looking for before you hit the mall. Here are a few tips to consider in making the right choice:

1) Think about the primary purpose for your shoes. How much running will you be doing? If your focus is more on balance or resistance training; a cross-trainer versus an actual running shoe might be the better choice.

When I asked expert Dr. Sarah Wu, owner of Momentum Chiropractic, what is the best for our boot camp participants she said, "the primary difference in a cross-trainer is that the outsole will be wider and a bit more firm to provide extra support through lateral movements, while a runner will be designed with the intention of enhancing heel-toe strike and forward motions; therefore the outsole will be more flexible at the toes for push-off during running. Unless participants are engaging in a specific sport/activity for 3x a week or greater, a good running shoe should be more than adequate."

2) It's a good idea to have a basic idea of your foot type and the basic categories of running shoes before you leave for the store. Take a look at Dr. Sarah's article for more information.

3) Going to a specialty store to narrow down which shoes are best for you is well worth the extra bucks. They should look at your arch and shape to figure out your foot type, properly measure your feet and do a running analysis. After you've found the perfect runners, you don't have to keep going back to the specialty store for your replacements. You may also be able to save quite a bit by finding the exact style and size you've selected on-line. Search a site like runbargains.com for your make and model.

4) Your shoes should be at least a 1/2 size bigger than your regular shoes, as your feet swell when you run or workout. It is best to go shopping later in the afternoon when your feet tend to be at their largest. Bruising and black toenails are common when your don't leave enough room at the front end of your shoes.

5) Bring your old runners with you so the sales representative can use your wear patterns as a guide in selecting the right shoe for you. If you use orthotics or custom insoles it's important to bring those along as well to ensure your new shoes accommodate them properly.

6) Try before you buy. It is always best to run in each pair you try on and consider fit, function and comfort before making your final selection. You should also run or workout (indoors) in your shoes for at least a week. If you develop blisters or experience any pain, specialities stores are usually very liberal with their exchange policies and will let you switch your set for another variety.

7) Most people need to replace their runners every 750 to 1,000 km. Using old or worn-out shoes is one of the most common causes of injury. Your shoes lose cushioning, stability and shock absorption overtime. Don't look at the treads of your shoes to determine if you need to replace them; as it's the mid-sole that provides cushioning and stability and it usually breaks down first before you see any sign of wear and tear.

8) Ignore the "cute" factor when selecting your new digs. You'll never make the best choice if colour and style are a big part of your buying decision.

Happy shopping everyone! I'd love to hear if you found this article helpful. Please leave me a comment with your questions and future topic suggestions.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Eat Early, Eat Often

Your mother was right! Experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is especially true if you are trying to lose fat. Your body has gone 8-10 hours with nothing. When you don't fuel up right away your body goes into starvation mode and starts to release fat storage hormones. This means when you finally do eat you'll find yourself storing additional fat. And who wants that! Your body works best with many small meals throughout the day, not huge portions all at once. Eating early and eating often speeds up your metabolism and gives you more energy and brain power.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Benefits of Weight Training

The benefits of weight lifting are numerous. Here are just a few:
  • Lessening the risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Improving posture, balance and stability
  • Strengthening bones and connective tissue, which can prevent injury in everyday life
  • Increasing your resting metabolic rate, so you will burn more calories
  • Making you slim and lean

Will lifting heavy weight make you huge?
For women the answer is NO. As women, we simply don't have the testosterone levels to build big, bulky muscles. In fact, lifting weights WILL help you lose body fat but only if you lift heavy enough weights to stimulate muscle growth. Your last few reps should be difficult. For most exercises, if you can do over 16 to 20 reps you need to increase the weight.

Why is weight lifting important when you are trying to lose weight?
Heavy lifting is a key to weight loss, as it plays a huge role in increasing your metabolism. It produces something called the "after burn", which is sustained elevation of your metabolism after exercise. Experts say that while cardio hugely speeds up your metabolism while you exercise and for about 30 minutes after; weight training will keep your metabolism cooking for 18-24 hours. Therefore, burning more calories overall. A pound of muscle also burns 10-20 calories a day, while a pound of fat only burns approximately 5 calories.

Unless you suffer from an injury, weight lifting is important for good health and maintaining a healthy weight. So let's get busy and start pumping some iron....it's good for you!!!