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Monday, July 5, 2010

Benefits of Weight Training

The benefits of weight lifting are numerous. Here are just a few:
  • Lessening the risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Improving posture, balance and stability
  • Strengthening bones and connective tissue, which can prevent injury in everyday life
  • Increasing your resting metabolic rate, so you will burn more calories
  • Making you slim and lean

Will lifting heavy weight make you huge?
For women the answer is NO. As women, we simply don't have the testosterone levels to build big, bulky muscles. In fact, lifting weights WILL help you lose body fat but only if you lift heavy enough weights to stimulate muscle growth. Your last few reps should be difficult. For most exercises, if you can do over 16 to 20 reps you need to increase the weight.

Why is weight lifting important when you are trying to lose weight?
Heavy lifting is a key to weight loss, as it plays a huge role in increasing your metabolism. It produces something called the "after burn", which is sustained elevation of your metabolism after exercise. Experts say that while cardio hugely speeds up your metabolism while you exercise and for about 30 minutes after; weight training will keep your metabolism cooking for 18-24 hours. Therefore, burning more calories overall. A pound of muscle also burns 10-20 calories a day, while a pound of fat only burns approximately 5 calories.

Unless you suffer from an injury, weight lifting is important for good health and maintaining a healthy weight. So let's get busy and start pumping some iron....it's good for you!!!

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