Rock Solid Fitness Strives to be an affordable alternative to personal training. For all ages & fitness levels, fun & packed
with tons of variety.

This blog has been developed as a value-added service to Rock Solid supporters. Its primary purpose is to provide
regular updates and training tips to support you in your journey to good health and fitness.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear from you.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baking With Vegetables

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Huge thanks to Janice who shared her delicious "Chickpea" Chocolate Chip Cookies with me last week. They were a huge hit with the entire family! Chickpeas are a great source of fiber, protein, folic acid and iron.

Click here for the recipe.

Your Post Workout Opportunity

Eating within an hour of working out is critical for muscle gain and replenishing your energy sources. Most people need to aim for between 6 to 16 grams of protein and 45 to 65 grams of carbohydrates. A protein shake or bar, chocolate milk, greek yogurt with berries or a bowl of high-fiber cereal with milk are all good options.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fueling up Before you Workout!

What you eat and when you eat will have a huge impact on your overall health, energy levels and the effectiveness of your workouts. To get the most out of your training, you need to eat a good pre-workout snack about 60-90 minutes beforehand. Experts suggest it should include about 15-25 grams of carbohydrates and 6-15 grams of protein (especially if working out in the morning).

Most mornings I'm in a rush and just grab a protein shake before I head to the gym. Below I've included a couple of good pre-workout options.
  • Isalean Protein Shake with Isagenix Greens & IsaCalcium (click on each product for more details)
  • 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 8 oz low fat milk with 12 almonds & 1/2 a cup of berries
  • 1/2 cup of granola with 6 oz of greek yogurt, 1 egg & 1/2 a grapefruit
  • 1/2 a scoop of whey protein with 8 oz of skim milk and 1 cup of berries

Macadamia Nuts Get a Bad Rap!

These delicious nuts, when eaten in moderation, are actually one of the healthiest salty snacks out there. Macadamia nuts have a higher percentage of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat than any other nut, seed or vegetable. They are also cholesterol free and rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and fibre. Just ensure you use portion control, as 10-12 nuts contain approximately 200 calories and 22 grams of fat.