The popularity of Tabata training is on the rise and for good reason. Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. It's a high intensity form of interval training that is extremely efficient and effective for weight loss. With traditional aerobic exercise programs you burn calories while you workout but there is very little after burn. With a very short tabata workout, studies show your body will continue to burn calories for up to 2 days later. You got it, you're burning that stubborn fat long after you complete your workout.
A typical tabata exercise lasts for 4 minutes. First pick an exercise that uses your entire body or at least some of your major muscle groups. Good examples are burpees, jump squats, sprints or even push-ups. You complete 8 sets of the same exercise. With each set you go for 20 seconds as hard as you can and then recover for 10 seconds.
I must warn you this type of workout is intense, so depending on where you're at it's something you may need to build up to. Perhaps try only 6 sets to start adding in one or two tabatas into your regular workout routine.
Give it a try and remember to let me know what you think!
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