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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Are you Getting your Vitamin ZZZ's?

Rest is a vital component of any exercise program. You should take a minimum of 1-rest day every week; and most people also need a 1-week break every 6-weeks. It's important to listen to your body, as over training can dramatically slow down your results and result in injury. Once the muscles have been stressed they take up to 48-hours to fully recover. It is not recommended to train the same body parts on consecutive days. It's also vital to sleep eight to nine hours every night so the body can recover fully.

Not only is sleep an important part of staying fit, it is also vital for good health. Lack of sleep over the long-term can have disasterous impacts on your weight loss efforts, ability to concentrate and can lead to mood swings, irritability and even depression.

Here are some tips for promoting a good night's sleep:
  • Go to bed early, ensuring you get at least 8-hours of shut-eye each night.
  • Take time to unwind and relax before hitting the sack. A warm bath and herbal teas (like chamomile) have been found to promote relaxation and help you fall asleep.
  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine later in the day. These stimulants can raise your blood pressure and give you extra energy.
  • If you're a craving an afternoon nap, go for it, but limit yourself to 20-minutes or you may make falling asleep at night problematic.
  • Try to avoid snacking at least 2-hours before bed. As your metabolism starts working to digest food, your energy levels will rise. If you need to eat close to bedtime, keep it small and avoid high-fat foods. Warm milk, a low fat yogurt or even a small bowl of cereal are good options.
  • If sleeplessness is common for you, please consult with your physician. You could be suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or insomnia, which can be dangerous for your health. The sooner you get professional help the better!

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