Rock Solid Fitness Strives to be an affordable alternative to personal training. For all ages & fitness levels, fun & packed
with tons of variety.

This blog has been developed as a value-added service to Rock Solid supporters. Its primary purpose is to provide
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Healthy are you?

Although good health is not completely in our control, there are several lifestyle choices we can make to improve our level of health and well being. I’ve boiled it down to six primary factors….

1) Nutrition 2) Exercise 3) Water 4) Sleep 5) Supplementation 6) Stress

Here’s a quick quiz to give you an idea how you’re doing….

1) Are you eating 5-6 healthy, well-balanced meals per day?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

2) How many times per week do you indulge in some form of junk food?

1) Almost everyday 2) 4-5 3) 2-3 4) 0-1

3) Are you drinking 8-10 glasses of water everyday?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

4) Are you exercising regularly (3-4 times) per week with a minimum of 1 rest day?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

5) Does your exercise regime include a good balance of cardiovascular exercise (min. 3 times per wk. / 30 minutes each) and strength training (min. 2 x per week)?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

6) Are you taking extra nutritional supplements (as recommended by your doctor) on a daily basis?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

7) Are you making time for yourself to have fun & relax?

1) Never 2) Sometimes 3) Usually 4) Always

Now add up your score. If you scored between….

7 - 14: You have some work to do. I challenge you to set some serious goals for yourself and stick with it. Let me know if you’d like some help with this or would like an accountability partner.

15 - 21: You’re on the right track but there is room for improvement. Select one or two areas and focus on developing some new habits over the next few weeks.

22+: You’re doing great! Keep up the good work.

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