Rock Solid Fitness Strives to be an affordable alternative to personal training. For all ages & fitness levels, fun & packed
with tons of variety.

This blog has been developed as a value-added service to Rock Solid supporters. Its primary purpose is to provide
regular updates and training tips to support you in your journey to good health and fitness.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie Theatre Popcorn Exposed!

I went to the movies today and, like always, all I could think about was getting my hands on a BIG bag of popcorn. Well, like some of you, I need to think again. A big bag is as many calories as consuming 3 Big Macs at McDonald's. According to an article recently published in the Edmonton Journal, theatre chains in the United States are fighting a requirement, coming out this month, to publish how many calories are in the concession items they sell. Apparently in a large bag of popcorn (without the butter) you will find between 1,200 and 1,500 calories. That's about 3/4 of my entire calorie count for the day. If you have to have it, join me in buying a small bag with no extra toppings and share it with a friend. At Cineplex that will run me under 300 calories, something that won't blow my calorie budget for the day. Studies show that 80% of the pleasure is found in your first few bites.

By the way, we saw Beastly ... great story! Click on "Beastly" to see the preview.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Superset Me!

My weight training program wouldn't be the same without supersets. It not only saves time, but studies are showing that it can help you burn more calories and produce more of an after burn post workout when compared to traditional methods.

Supersets are simply doing two or even three exercises back-to-back with no breaks. There are many combinations and ways to use supersets. I typically use supersets with opposing muscle groups. For example, I'll do a set of bicep curls followed immediately by a tricep exercise resting only after I've completed both sets.

Please keep in mind that using supersets dramatically increases the intensity of your workouts. It's important supersets are not done on consecutive days for the same body part. Your body needs adequate rest between workouts to effectively build muscle.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Can I Drink Too Much Water?

Most of us are dehydrated and don't drink enough water, but it is possible to overdo it. There's a condition called water intoxication when a dehydrated person drinks too much water without the accompanying electrolytes. It's most commonly seen in infants and athletes. Most healthy people can process up to 15 litres a day of water, so unless you take in large quantities of water at one time you are very unlikely to suffer from this condition.

A good guideline is to drink a 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight. So for a 130 pound female, that's 8 - 8 oz glasses a day. More may be needed if you drink a lot of coffee, the weather's hot or if you're active. There are many benefits of drinking enough water including: weight loss, healthier looking skin, more energy and less cramps & sprains. It is also imperative for flushing out harmful toxins causing disease.

Dehydration, on the other hand, has many risks including migraines, tiredness, muscle cramps, constipation and kidney problems. Some common signs of dehydration include: dark urine, dry skin, thirst, mistaken hunger & fatigue.

Drinking the right amount of water is important for good health! So let's drink up!